It’s Time to Break Up
“It’s not you, it’s me.”
A cliche’ excuse often used to avoid an honest and difficult conversation. What if we really took a hard look inside our hearts when it comes to our relationships with those around us (spouses, friends, family, coworkers, etc.). We will find out most of our problems are just that…. OURS.
I’d love to say I’m perfect, I never hurt others, and I handle everything with grace. I mean, if I’m upset, it’s for a good reason…. right?
When I get my feelings hurt or feel disappointed by others, I tend to react in one of two ways. I can easily get stuck in a rut of feeling sorry for myself OR if I’m feeling feisty, I react on impulse, led by foolish emotions (that’s always a fun mess to clean up).
I open my “mental disappointment journal”, recount the dates and times the offender has hurt me in the past, add the newest offense and move on……bitter-free, of course.
Recently, I was struggling with hurt feelings, so I did what every God-fearing woman would do: After adding the offense to my mental journal, I searched the internet for a biblical-based book to prove I was right…. and headed for the bookstore.
I was on my way to find me some Jesus validation for personal vindication!
Ok, not my proudest moment.
I’m not saying peoples' actions, or lack of, are always innocent. I’m not naive to the fact that some people intentionally hurt us.
The enemy loves to feed us with lies, cause confusion, bitterness, doubt, and ultimately destroy relationships.
Most of the time, if we are hurt by unmet expectations, it REALLY is us, not others. We need to have an honest “come to Jesus” and allow Him to do his greatest work in us. Understanding the reasons behind WHY we are hurt will cut expectations that should never be placed on others. It is time to break up with excuses and expectations.... and check our hearts.
Let God heal you, remove the chains of bitterness, and bring you to a place of freedom.
He will never leave you disappointed!
John 8:32
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”