‘New Hope 101’

New Hope 101: This one-to-two-hour session held quarterly on a Sunday morning is a key step in connecting you to the mission, life and community at New Hope.

Becoming a member of New Hope Church starts with a personal relationship with Christ (salvation) and then publicly professing that decision through baptism. 

Get Engaged

The church becomes home and comes alive when every member is actively engaged in a small group and serving in a ministry. You will learn how to take an active role in glorifying God, how to become a fully engaged follower of God and find a church home here! Sign up below for our upcoming class.

  • DATE To Be Announced

  • 11 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., Room 2

  1. Equip you to join: What does it mean to be a member?

  2. Discover New Hope beliefs and core values: Doctrine, what we believe

  3. Find opportunities for service (Serve Teams)

  4. Get connected to a Life Group