Come as You Are
“I don’t know what to say.”
Tara Winstead/Pexels
How many times have you responded the same way?
Whether in response to someone who has lost a loved one, a friend or family member going through a difficult time, or maybe in response to hurtful words.
The hurtful words might be true. But, ouch, sometimes the truth hurts and can leave me speechless.
There are times that I am overcome with emotions. My anxious spirit knows I need to pray, but I don’t know what to say.
I used to think I was terrible at praying. Some people can just pray so well, ya’ know? The words seem to come so easy and roll right off their tongues. They use big words, fancy words, and throw in scripture!
I would be envious of their relationship with Jesus, like they were on the higher level of Christianity. That kind of intimacy and faith must be like a Level 8 or 9, right?
I wanted that, but my reckless heart and life, not to mention lack of vocabulary skills, kept me at Level 2. Sometimes Level 3, if I was diligent. Guilt and shame held me back from feeling worthy of moving up to the next level (that’s where the fancy words are at).
Just Say His Name
I remember as a young girl, someone told me, “If you need Jesus and you don’t have the words, just say His name, (Jesus). He already knows.”
I’ve never forgotten that.
I still cling to my childlike faith. When I don’t know how to begin praying, my thoughts are all over the place, and I need clarity.
The little girl in me still prays, “Jesus., You already know.”
We might not always have the right words for others, but thankfully we don’t need words to come to Jesus. If you are hurting, confused, or broken, but you don’t know where to begin, just say His name, “Jesus.”
He is with you. He will hold you. He will answer.
Today, I heard the song “Come as You Are,” by Nirvana. While I’m certain these lyrics were meant for other reasons, it reminded me that Jesus wants the same thing from me -- to come as I am. Nothing fancy. Such a relief, right?
By the way, there are no levels of Christianity or intimacy with Christ. Don’t compare your spiritual walk with others.
The important thing is that you come as you are. The words will follow.
Matthew 11:28
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
~Serena Cahoon