Parable of a Friend Strikes a Nerve (Luke)

Hello New Hope Family,

 Apparently, we really struck a nerve after the “Shameless Prayers” sermon on Father’s Day as we worked through the Parable of the Friend at Midnight!

Many of you shared with me your struggle with holding on to your faith while praying through a season of “unanswered prayer.”

Do you remember what God’s Word instructed us to do at times like this? He told us WHEN to pray (“Always pray, and never give up!” Luke 18:1) and HOW to pray (“pray with shameless audacity”, Luke 11:8).

Things change when we pray consistently and boldly – God changes us AND He changes our situation! Jesus wanted us to learn this lesson so badly that He told two nearly identical parables in the Gospel of Luke.

What prayers are heavy on your heart today? Which ones seem impossible? What answers are you desperate to receive from the Lord?

Focus on those requests and bring them to God every time (literally, every time) they come to mind! Go boldly, with shameless audacity, before His thrown with your requests! Remember, the boldness of your prayers releases the power of God in your situation!

Praying for you,

~Pastor David

Pastor David