Make Jesus Your Focal Point in 2023
Hey New Hope Family!
As we begin 2023 and make our New Year’s resolution list, let us make Jesus the focal point.
Throughout the Bible, we see the overwhelming truth that Jesus will always be more than enough:
When Abraham went to sacrifice his son, Jesus was enough.
When Noah was building the ark, Jesus was enough.
When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, Jesus was enough.
When David was caught in sin, Jesus was enough.
When the prophets preached, their main message was, “Jesus is enough.”
When Jesus talked to people, He reminded them, “I am enough.”
When Paul wrote to his friends and other churches, his main point was “Jesus is enough.”
When Paul wrote of the end times and the hope to come in Revelation, he wrote it knowing Jesus will forever be enough.
Jesus Is Enough
Gerd Altmann/Pixabay
As we look to this new year, be reminded that Jesus is enough for us and for our current life situations.
In trials, Jesus is enough.
In financial turmoil, Jesus is enough.
In political instability,
Jesus is enough. In the loss of a family member, Jesus is enough.
In a job transition, Jesus is enough.
So, making New Year’s resolutions? Sure. But at the top of that list, remind yourself that Jesus has, is and will continue to be enough.
“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” II Corinthians 9:8
~Pastor Matt