New Hope Church

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God Will Surround Us With Favor

Pastor Chuck has been preaching on anxiety and how to deal with it in our culture and in our life circumstances. 

Today, I would like to continue to build on this idea of anxiety by turning our focus to Psalm 5:11:“But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy, and spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may exult in you.” 

In Psalm 5, King David is calling on God to hear his prayer and to consider his plea. He cries out to God saying, “give ear” and  “consider my groaning”.  He acknowledges that God is Holy and seeks to enter into His presence with reverence and fear. 

Be Glad and Rejoice

And then King David calls on those who are under God’s protection and refuge to be glad and rejoice! When we are under God’s protection and we are being joyous in His presence, verse 12 tells us that God will surround us with favor. 

When we see our world in chaos and disorder, let us not forget our position in God. If God is our protection, then we can be filled with joy!

Brothers and sisters, take refuge in Him, sing in His presence and be glad! Let us be aware of the challenges we face in our world, but don’t let them cloud our perception of who God has created us to be. Instead, rejoice and be glad in the Lord today and be comforted by His grace once more. 

-Pastor Matt