New Hope Church

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Anxious for Nothing? Really?

I just read this headline: Massive Health Wakeup Call: Depression and Anxiety Rates Have
Increased by 25% in the Past Year

Recently, in my journal I thanked God (sort of) for experiencing Hurricane Ian. The 150-mph winds, rising waters and seemingly unending onslaught provided a metaphor for the world that many people experience every day.

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be considering anxiety in light of God’s Word. Here’s a small dose of His powerful prescription for the disorder that anxiety can bring.

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” -Philippians 4:4

Remarkably, Paul was writing from a prison cell where he could either be released or put to death.

Let me completely geek out on you and share a breakdown of the word “rejoice”:

  • Rejoice chairó: to rejoice, be glad.

  • Original word: χαίρω- xaírō (from the root xar-, “favorably disposed, leaning towards

  • Cognate with xáris, “grace”) – properly, to delight in God's grace ("rejoice") — literally, to experience God's grace (favor), be conscious (glad) for His grace.

Trust Him More Than Ourselves

Dealing with anxiety and how to help others find peace starts with an invitation from God to “delight in His grace in the Lord Jesus” producing great gladness. As easy as this sounds, as great an offer as it is, it comes at a cost. To lean into God’s grace, we have to trust Him more than ourselves and our understanding.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.” -Proverbs 3:5

We must choose who, or what, to trust. If we trust anything else more than God as He reveals Himself in His Word, what we lean on will break, letting us down again. If we trust God, we will lean into His grace and seek His face. Then we will experience joy (x2). I’m learning (again) to lean more and more into Him. Come with me as we learn very practically how to live in this chaotic world with the supernatural peace that comes from walking with God.

In Christ,

~Pastor Chuck