Hello New Hope Family,
We are so excited to be able to tell you that we are ready to begin having live worship services again in our church building. After much prayer and consideration, we believe it is the right time to move in this direction. As we continue to make fully devoted followers of Jesus, we feel that in person worship services will help us do that more effectively.
Sunday morning June 7th will be our official Re-Opening Day. We will have a service at 9am and again at 10:30am. There will be a time of prayer, worship and the study of God’s Word as we are accustomed to having at New Hope Church. We will continue to offer an Online Option through Facebook Live on Sunday mornings at 10:30 plus we will be posting the complete worship service to Youtube on Sunday afternoon.
There will be a few changes to note. We will ask you to bring your own coffee or hot drink since we will not be offering drinks or snacks in the coming weeks. We also ask that everyone please wear a mask if possible to protect yourself and others. We will have an Offering Basket at the back of the sanctuary for your tithes and offerings rather than passing an offering plate during the service.
Please go online to sign up for the service you would like to attend. We will have limited seating in the sanctuary plus 2 overflow rooms in order to keep everyone safe and separated. Please remember to follow all social distancing guidelines and bring your best smile and wave! We ask that if you arrive early for service, you would remain in your car until 10 minutes before the service begins. If you are over 65 years of age or compromised in any way that you would continue to enjoy our online services until you feel comfortable joining a large group gathering.
We have disinfected all surfaces already and will continue to clean all high touch areas in between each service. Additionally, we have installed numerous disinfectant dispensers around the building for your use. Until further notice, we will NOT be having Sunday School for adults or children nor will we offer nursery for any age. Children are invited to join their parents for worship and we will have Kids Activity Bags available for all children.
As we have learned many times over and over during this crisis, our New Normal is anything but normal! These are a lot of changes, but I know that with God’s grace, we will learn to worship and celebrate God in new ways.
Praying for you!
Pastor Dave
David Acton
Cell: (786) 508-7116