'... and the Greatest of These Is Love'
I am sure we have all heard these words read at a wedding.
John Hain/Pixabay
1 Corinthians 13 is known as the love chapter of the Bible. It showcases that of all the gifts the Holy Spirit could give us to demonstrate how filled we are with Him, our selfless act of love for others is the way to demonstrate that we belong to God.
The Greek word Agape that is used for love here is a very special word. It is a love without expectations of return. It is the most selfless love imaginable.
In Mark 12, Jesus is asked what the greatest commandment is. He uses this word to describe the love we are to have for God and for others. It is remarkable that God would ask us to have the same kind of selfless, patient, kind and devoted love toward others that we would have for Him.
On Being Missional
As we wrapped up last month’s sermon series on being missional, it seems to me that Blessing our world is the culmination of Becoming fully engaged followers of Christ by Belonging together and Believing in Christ alone.
When we don’t just make it a priority of our life to love God and love each other with a selfless love, but we make it the mission of our life to do so, it changes everything.
Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to:
Agape God by reading His Word and entrusting Him with all our cares
Agape each other by sharing our burdens and how He has changed our lives
Learn more of Him together
Relentlessly pursue ways to Agape every person in the world around us
On mission with you,
~Michelle Negron