New Hope Church

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On Car Shows and Faithful Followers

Hello New Hope Family,

What a great car show we had this year! So many beautiful cars and lots of delicious food. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make this year's event such a huge success!!

What made the show such a success? Was it the cars? The food? The many visitors? The engagement of so many volunteers?

These things certainly played a big role in the success of the event, but I think the biggest win for our church last weekend was all of the great conversations we had with our visitors! Many of those conversations turned to spiritual matters and some of those conversations turned into visits to our worship services. 

This is why New Hope hosts events like car shows and family fairs. It is an opportunity to invite our community onto our campus where we can rub shoulders and share the Love of Christ in tangible ways. 

Joe is a new member of our New Hope family. He reminded me on Sunday that it was his one-year anniversary at our church. His first visit was last year's car show. Now he is fully engaged and serving faithfully.

And it all began with a car show…

Praying for you,

~Pastor David