New Hope Church

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Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem!

Hello New Hope Family!

This Sunday is Palm Sunday, the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey; actually on an unridden colt as prophesied. He continued to fulfill prophecy about who He was. (John 8:48-59).

Jesus had been slowly revealing himself as the Messiah, God in the flesh, come down to pay the ransom for His children who could not pay it for themselves. Now the intensity of His message becomes more and more apparent.  

People are starting to follow Him in large crowds. Jesus is healing people more and more: opening blind eyes, healing the deaf and lame, and also starting to make mention in even more clear terms about his impending death. 

Shouts of Praise — At First

Just when the praises are loudest, Jesus rides into Jerusalem a few days before Passover to the shouts of adoration from almost everybody! They are calling out "Hosanna", which literally means, "save now!"

His ministry is at an all time high, and then He goes right to the temple and takes a whip and chases out the money changers, saying, “The Scriptures declare, ‘My Temple will be called a house of prayer,’ but you have turned it into a den of thieves!” (Matthew 21:13 (Isaiah 56:7; Jeremiah 7:11)).

Everyone is shouting His praises, crying out for Him to save them, everyone loves Him … or do they? We will hear the cries of almost all of these people in just a few days shouting “Crucify Him” (Matthew 27:22).

Cleanse Your Temple … Jesus Desires Your Heart

For those of you who were at the "Messiah in the Passover" celebration last week, you may remember that there is a prescribed time to clear the home of all leaven before the Passover starts.

Anything that was a leavening agent was to be removed from the home because Jesus is concerned with their hearts. He clears the Temple in the same way He desires our hearts to be cleansed by Him. He desires for the Temple to be cleared of the leaven that had been permeating into the hearts of the people. 

As we prepare to go through what is arguably the most significant time on the Christian calendar and celebrate what Christ has done for us by paying our ransom, are we preparing our hearts for His return? 

Are you ready for Easter and our weekend services?

Blessings on the One who comes in the name of The LORD, 

~Michelle Negron
Children's Ministry Coordinator