God’s Splendor and Glory Give Us Strength

God gives us strenght

Book of Psalms, Pexels/Pixabay

God Gives Us Strength

During my summer breaks in college, I was a camp counselor at Beulah Beach in Vermilion, Ohio. On clear nights, I would see the stars and moon clearer than ever before. I would sit and be left in awe of how majestic God is.

In Psalm 8, David talks about how majestic God is. In Verses 1 through 3, we see the name of God, Yahweh, is above all creation and that His presence, splendor and glory are above the Heavens.

Whether it's infants or foes, God uses both to bring Himself honor and strength. When the Old Testament was translated from Hebrew to Greek, the Greek word for strength here means "strength attributed by God." Whatever we do, God is aware of and governing over us. Whatever strength we have, it is God giving us that strength.

David helps us know how powerful God is too by telling us that the stars and moon have been placed there by just the wave of His fingers. In all God's characteristics that we see, David then brings us humans into the picture on a personal point.

He reminds man his place in the order of creation and helps us to realize that it’s an incredible blessing that we have the ability to know who God is because He has "crowned us with glory and honor" (5). God in all His ways uniquely places us above the animals, plants and "beasts" of the earth with the intent of us knowing who He is.

The chapter ends by repeating Verse 1 because now we are assured of who God is: We again proclaim, “O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!” (9).

Where is a place that has left you in awe of how majestic God is? Let me know this Sunday!

~Pastor Matt
Psalm 8

Psalm 8: How Majestic Is Your Name (Shane & Shane/YouTube)

Pastor MattNew Hope Church