Sometimes We Have to Put Situations in the Lord's Hands

“With my mouth I will give great thanks to the LORD; I will praise Him in the midst of the throng.” ~ Psalm 109:30 (ESV)

King David writes Psalm 109 in heartache because he was taken advantage of.

“So they reward me evil for good, and hatred for my love” (5).

He wishes vengeance on his adversary with his words in Verses 6 through 20. For someone to have wronged David to the degree where he says things like,

“Appoint a wicked man against him” (6), you get a sense early on that David isn’t taking too kindly to what was done to him.

But Did You Notice David’s Tone Changes?

In Verse 21, he brings the situation to God, putting it in His hands. In fact, David admits his position (24-25), then faithfully acknowledges what he needs most (26).

Closing the chapter, David writes the verse that we are focusing on today:

“With my mouth I will give great thanks to the LORD; I will praise Him in the midst of the throng.”

David is reminding God — and himself — that however this situation pans out, he will give great thanks, praise God and do those things among many.

Shocker: Are We Like King David at Times?

I am reminded how often I am like David when something bad or unfair happens to me. I desire vengeance and hope for immediate action to take place. I also know that I can’t be the only one to have experienced these same emotions because we get them simply by watching the news or even a movie. Like me, you may feel this way because our hearts will always combat what is good in the eyes of the Father and wickedness will always lead our hearts, rather than righteousness (Jeremiah 17:9).

There is hope and deliverance from this: Just as David had to do, simply hand it over to the Lord and proclaim His divine and Holy characteristics.

By doing this, David says he’s going to give God “great” thanks. In Hebrew, this can be translated as “abundantly” or “exceedingly.” David is making the case that in moments that seem to be unfair or wrong in our eyes, let us worship and praise God exceedingly more.

So, brothers and sisters, be encouraged today! In situations that come our way — fair or otherwise — we are called to proclaim "the name above all names" and rejoice in God’s never-ending mercy.

In Christ,

~ Pastor Matt

Pastor Matt