God Loves to Be Right Where You Are

Hi Friends,

Pastor Phillip here, and my baby girl turns one year old today! It’s amazing how time flies, isn’t it?

I love watching her grow, how she went from doing nothing on her own to now walking, exploring, and experiencing the world around her.

I love how she tries to communicate with her baby talk, even though they aren’t “real words."

I even love it when she falls down, not because I want her to get hurt, but because I love that she learns through the process and that I get to scoop her up and love on her even more.

Do you know God’s heart for you is like that?

As you grow and change, learning new lessons and repeating old ones, He LOVES to be right there with you!

Even when you stumble.

Even when you fail.

The question is, will you turn away in shame in those moments, or turn your eyes to Jesus and let Him lift you back up again with His love?

I hope you’ll join us this weekend as we look to Jesus together and encourage one another in our faith.

I believe there really is no better place to be.

Looking up with you,
–Pastor Phillip

Pastor Phillip