New Hope Church

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Here's the Deal: Break the Mold With Our Senior Adults Group

Dear New Hope Church Family,

When was the last time you spent an afternoon just sitting and chatting with friends?

Recently, about a dozen of our senior adults decided to break the mold and come together for a sweet time of fellowship, coffee, cake and games. Their conversation and laughter filled the entire church building! If you weren’t here, you sure missed a good time. I highly recommend you find a way to join them the next time they gather!

Can You Break Away for the Lord and Yourself?

We are all in different phases of life. Not all of us have the kind of work and family schedule that would allow us a few hours off in the middle of the day. However and whenever you are able to break away from the relentless “drive of life,” make it a priority to do so this summer. We often forget how much we need these times of refreshing.

We read about the health of the early church in the Book of Acts Chapter 2;

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.”

The fun, food and fellowship we share as a church family is like the creamy center of the Oreo cookie in that verse! Don’t miss it! (It may be the best part!)

Let’s chat,

~Pastor David