Finishing the Year Strong

Hello New Hope Family,

Christmas is coming and there is still so much to do! Gifts to buy, cookies to bake, and visits to make! How will we fit it all in?!

Take a breath...

There is still plenty of time to get it all done in time. In fact, if we take the time to allow God to "order our steps," we can do better than just survive the holidays. We can thrive through them and truly finish well. 

It is my prayer that each of us finishes 2022 well. Saying what needs to be said, doing what needs to be done and being who God has called us to be!

Faith in God and Graitude for His Provision

A big part of finishing the year well is demonstrating our faith in God and our gratitude for His provision. This week you will find a copy of our proposed 2023 church budget in the Connection Corner of the Sanctuary.

Please pick one of those up and take a look at what your Elders and Financial Management Team have prepared for the coming year. I know you will be encouraged by the growth over last year and the boldness of the plans.

As your pastor, I would like to ask you to pray for two things as you read through this budget:

1. Pray for our church family to grow in faith and confidence in God's provision.

2. Ask God if He believes you are finishing this year well in the area of financial generosity.

I can see the finish line from here,

~Pastor David

Pastor David