A Test of Faith

Hi Church Family,
This week my family and I went to a water park and I did something I haven’t attempted in a long time.

I jumped off a high-diving board!

Here’s the funny thing about heights when you aren’t used to them: it’s easy to “outthink” yourself into fear.

It’s easy to let the circumstance dictate your decision, and even though you’ve watched so many people ahead of you jump and be just fine, it’s different when it’s your turn.

Faith: Steps Into the Unknown

Faith is like that, too. When God calls us to take a step into the unknown, something out of our wheelhouse or comfort zone, it’s easy to overthink it  and not take ACTION because we’re so worried about doing it wrong or not being okay.

But you’re going to be okay. You’re not the first person God has called to jump, you won’t be the last, and He WILL take care of you just like He’s always done for His people!

Remember how last Sunday Pastor David mentioned Paul’s invitation to “follow me as I follow Christ"? Here’s my invitation to you: Take that leap of faith you've been facing.

The water was well worth it. :-)

Pastor Phillip