God Designed Us to Work Together

Dear New Hope Family,

I’ve been thinking a lot about partnership lately.

With my vocal chords still not up to par and a long road of recovery still ahead, I’ve had to rely a lot more on others than I’m used to.

You see, for most of my life I’ve been more of a “do it myself” kind of person, and that has its place to be sure.

Sometimes you really do have to just jump in and get things done if you want them done quickly or the “right” way.

But not always.

Sometimes the “right” way has a lot less to do with the outcome we produce than it does with the people we empower. Not only that, but who am I to even SAY what the “right” way is all of the time?

The truth is, God has DESIGNED us to work with others. He built humanity in his own image, the image of a God who himself exists in community, with each member of the Trinity lovingly serving one another and carrying out their own unique role.

So it is with us.

As we love and serve each other in the unique ways in which God has gifted us, we get to grow together into the fullness of His will for our lives.

That’s why I’m so grateful for the amazing teams with whom I get to serve. They remind me that God’s plan for “WE” is far greater than anything centered around “ME.”

And that’s why I hope YOU are taking advantage of opportunities to serve alongside others at New Hope, because I believe the more we work together 

... the more like Jesus we become.

Let's do this together!

~Pastor Phillip

Pastor Phillip