New Hope Church

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Adjust Your Sights on the Target That Matters

Hello New Hope Family,
We just kicked off a new series called, “Arrows.” It is about aiming our life at the right target.

The world is full of targets, but life is more than shooting at just any target we choose. The Christian life is about shooting at and hitting God’s target. Only when we aim for and “hit the mark” God has set up for us, will we experience the peace and satisfaction of God.

“Be a Mary”

Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a perfect example of one who hit the mark. Do you remember from our Bible story this weekend? She saw a need at the wedding celebration (Wedding at Cana, John 2) that she couldn’t meet herself, but she knew someone who could meet that need. She told the servants, “Do whatever Jesus tells you to do.” She passionately pointed those with a need to the only One who could meet that need.

Have you had the opportunity to be a “Mary” for someone this week?

I challenge you to open your eyes to those around you. If God shows you a person in need, be bold enough to passionately point that person to the One who can meet that need!

Praying for you,
~Pastor David
PS: I would love to hear your story! Please tell me how you were able to point someone to Jesus this week!