New Hope Church

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Hurricanes of Life: What About Yours?

Michelle Negron, Children’s Director

Hello New Hope Family!

'“You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan,’ she protested. ‘How can you ask me for a drink?” She knew Jews refused to use the same cups and bowls that Samaritans used.

We have made it halfway through the week and I hope you are encouraged in Christ! I was impacted this week by Pastor Chuck's powerful message about the Hurricanes of Life.

I was recently studying about the Samaritan woman at the well for my Belong Group lesson. I have read that story at least a dozen times and I had learned great truths.

But this time I was really impacted by not only the woman, but the journey that Jesus was on to reach her. It was not a chance encounter; He went specifically to see her. He went at a time that she would be there. He went when He knew she was vulnerable. (John Chapter 4:

Jesus Knows Us, Storms or Otherwise

Jesus asked her about her story and while she did not lie, she wasn't openly honest about it at first. But when He told her that He knew her story, it changed everything. The storms she had weathered suddenly had a new kind of power. He is the Messiah and, knowing her story, He did not condemn her. He spoke truth to her and was intimate with her in a way that she had never encountered. He revealed His true self to her and invited her to do the same.

She was so impacted by this that she went back to her village and shared this story with her neighbors. Her testimony was so powerful that many in her village came to Christ and said, “Now we believe, not just because of what you told us, but because we have heard Him ourselves. Now we know that He is indeed the Savior of the world.” (John 4:42 NLT)

What about your story? Have you spent time thinking about the storms in your own life and how Christ revealed Himself to you? Every storm we face and the way that Jesus brings us through is part of our testimony.

Our testimony is a very powerful tool. You may not think your story is all that powerful, but in Revelation 12 we read about how satan is defeated. In verse 11 it says "And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony...."

What About Your Stormy Days?

You may want to start today by praying and asking God to remind you of those storms, and perhaps start jotting them down. As you think on them be reminded of how Jesus brought you closer to Himself and what lessons you learned. As you remember these things and share them more often, you will become more and more comfortable and confident.

Your testimony is powerful because of Christ, and with His help you can start sharing it with others in the hopes that like the village of Sychar in Samaria many would believe.

Share the story,
