Life Feels Pretty Good With a Change of Perspective

Over the past few weeks, I’ve found myself in conversations with some of God’s best, Jesus-loving, Kingdom-serving people. We talked about some of the pressure points in our lives. Because we love each other and want deeper relationships, we spoke honestly about our hurts and stresses.

After meandering for a while considering, circling and repeating all the difficult stuff in our lives (people, life, money, us!), we were tired and somewhat more stressed. 

But somewhere in one of the conversations, in a flash of sanity, I remembered that while some of our “hurts and stresses” were certainly real, they were only a tiny slice of all the great people, movements and works of God that make up our lives.

Widen Your Aperture to Let In More Light

We just needed to shift our perspective. We needed to widen our aperture to let in more light to expand our scope to see how yesterday’s seed is bearing beautiful fruit today! We needed to think about good things.

Honestly, maybe the Holy Spirit just reminded us of His Word.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things. Philippians 4:8

As we began considering, circling, and repeating all the beautiful stuff in our lives (people, life, money, us!), we smiled.

After all, life sometimes feels pretty good. 

-Pastor Chuck

Pastor Chuck