Music Is 'More Than Able' to Shape Us

Hi friends,

In the nearly 20 years I’ve served as a worship leader, I’ve always found one thing to be true not just about the songs we sing in church, but about the songs we seek elsewhere …

Music shapes our soul.

The songs to which we choose to tune in have a profound effect on our thinking, our feeling, and our faith. Those things, in turn, overflow into the rest of our lives and influence the choices we make and the results we get.

That’s why finding good songs matters!

New Song Aims to Lift Our Collective Soul

And that’s why I’m so excited about a new song we’ll start learning this Sunday, because it’s the kind of song that can boost our faith in a big way … if we let it.

The song is called “More than Able,” and here’s a sampling of the lyrics:

When did I start to forget
All of the great things You did?
When did I throw away faith for the impossible?

How did I start to believe
You weren't sufficient for me?
Why do I talk myself out of seeing miracles?

You are more than able
You are more than able
You are more than able
You are more than able

Who am I to deny what the Lord can do?

Hear the full [shortened] song here: More than Able

I know we all have different musical tastes and backgrounds, but here’s my prayer for all of us and my request for you. Will you open your heart to the message and let God build your faith through this song?

  • Maybe you have faith that moves mountains already.

  • Maybe your prayers all get answered and you never have any doubts.

  • Maybe you feel like miracles already happen all the time for you.

But if you’re like me, and you know you still have room to grow into more faith in our wonder-working God, then I hope you’ll join me in declaring the truth and going deeper together this weekend.

And I’m believing for it, because after all ...

Who am I to deny what the Lord can do?

Looking up with you,

~Pastor Phillip

Pastor Phillip